Without various scents, and now almost can not imagine life. Few people, both women and men who do not use at least one odor. But there are those who are true collectors, and they have dozens.
Many think that the smells come from the Middle Ages, when they were massively used for the concealment of other scents. But their history starts much, much earlier.
Perfumes respectively. scents have been used in ancient China, Palestine and Egypt - were part of daily religious rituals. Two main ways of using the smell then were burning aromatic compounds and aromatic liniment oil and balm. Perfume oil and balm of people were caused to the skin in cosmetic and even medical purposes. Using smell so slowly spread to Greece, Rome and Islamic countries, just as the Islamic countries were those that were kept and expanded the use of smell, while not begun to spread Christianity, which forbade parfemisanje. With the fall of the Roman Empire is very faded and the use of scent, and it lasted even up to 12 century, when it began to develop an international exchange.
The greatest success were achieved in 17 fragrances century. Using the fragrance has grown, and appeared as new manufacturers and new scents. The Court of Louis XV. even called "parfemisani Court" because of the use of fragrances, which are daily caused the skin, clothes and even furniture. In the 18th century revolution occurred in the area of smell - namely, eau de cologne is produced (eau de cologne). It was a refreshing blend of rosemary, bergamot, lemon and nelory...and used as is in many ways: diluted bath, mixed with wine, as a guide for the mouth ... and all the rest (art, industry ...), is smells are afflicted many changes in 19 century. Different flavors of users and the development of modern chemistry laid the foundations of today's fragrances. They started to appear in a luxurious new Packaging Fragrances
Neither the French Revolution did not reduce the desire for flavor, there was even Parfum a la Guillotine! Thanks plantings of jasmine, rose and orange, the city of Grasse in Provence became the largest center of raw materials for perfumes. After him, the world center of smell became Paris - seat perfume houses, such as Houbigant, Lubin, Roger Gallet, and Guerlain, were just in Paris. Packaging perfume soon started to become all the more important. Manufacturer Francois Coty perfume connect with René Lalique. Lalique, already made packaging for Guerlain, D'Orsay, Lubin, Molinard, Roger Gallet and others. Joined them and Baccharat who made a bottle of Guerlain Mitsouko and Shalimar. A Brosse is designed bottle for Jeanne and the famous Lanvinov Arpege Chanel No. 5th Chanel No. 5, which we call the first modern perfume, appeared 1921st year.
1 comment:
lepo ti je ovo ali nema svrhu,sluzi samo za sebe treba da nadjes nacina da na nekom sajtu kozmetickom postavis blog....budi vredna i bice rezultata...pokusaj da nadjes posao u kozmetickom slonu,ne mozes odma da imas svoj bez i dana iskustva....mora da se radi...
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